We welcome everyone to join us in our journey to follow Jesus. Through worship, hospitality and service, we seek to bear witness to Jesus Christ in our villages.

Services at St Giles September 2024

Sunday 1st September at 10am (Trinity 14)

All Age & Family Service with St Margaret's

Sunday 8th September at 11am (Trinity 15)

Sung Eucharist (Revd. Martin Banister)

Sunday 15th September at 10am (Trinity 16)

No Service.  See St Margaret's Calendar

Sunday 22nd September at 11am (Trinity 17)

Sung Eucharist

Sunday 29th September at 11am (Trinity 18/St Michael & All Angels) - Harvest Festival

Sung Eucharist

Services at St Margaret's September 2024

Sunday 1st September 10am (Trinity 14)

No Service.  Se St Gile's calendar

Sunday September 8th at 9.15am (Trinity 15)

Holy Communion CW (Revd. Martin Banister)

Sunday 15th September at 10am (Trinity 16

Harvest Festival at Crossoaks Farm

Sunday 22nd September at 9.15am (Trinity 17)

Holy Communion CW

Sunday 29th September at 9.15am (Trinity 18)

Holy Communion CW

Events at St Giles

Open Church Every Tuesday 2pm to 5pm

Come and join us for a cuppa, piece of cake and a chat.  Everyone Welcome!



Well, it’s ours of course. That is, the people who live in South Mimms, and our friends and visitors. It is there for us when we wish to express our love, as in Marriage, or for our children, as in Baptism, or to comfort our friends and family at Funerals. God is love, and St. Giles is where we express that love in the real world.

It provides warm company on Tuesday afternoons at Open Church Teas. It provides a meeting place and entertainment at concerts. It is also part of our national heritage, being given Grade One status, and included in Simon Jenkins’ book England’s 1,000 Best Churches, so people come from far and wide to visit. Also its churchyard is where local people are buried, of all sects and of no religion, just because they live here. People passing through the churchyard rest and are refreshed by its peace.

But the fact is that not as many make use of it as they did 30 years ago, when on Sundays over 60, adults and children, would come to its Sunday services. We all understand that lives are different now. People’s lives are nonstop and that includes a Sunday morning when, in the past, a visit to church would have been the norm. Today, the church is kept going by fewer and older people. However, going to a service isn’t the only way we can support our church although everyone is welcome to join us for any of the services at St Giles. You can also help by donating just a small amount of time to assist with a number of “jobs” that go on behind the scenes - cleaning the church, polishing the brass, tidying the graveyard or arranging the flowers particularly for major celebrations.

Of course, we are always grateful for donations to the church however small or large, and however often you can afford it, whether it be on a regular basis or once a year. Costs have risen a lot recently (as have everyone’s), in particular heating costs. And as a historic church, maintenance can be seriously expensive.

Have you thought what South Mymms would be like without the church? St Giles has been the church in our village since the 12th century but there is a real possibility that, in the future, we may no longer have access to a church on our doorstep. The question is, “Do we care” enough to keep the church, to help keep it running and prevent us from losing a centre point to our village?

Please remember that the church isn’t just for Christmas and is here for your village 365 days a year. Do we care enough to keep it?



Everyone Welcome!  Come and Join Us for Harvest Festival at Crossoaks Farm

Sunday 15th September at 10am


A wonderful service for all the family.  Father Ayoob will lead us in prayers of thanksgiving and there will be traditional hymns. After the service there will be refreshments and a chance to take a tractor trailer ride around the farm.  Thanksgiving Service V2 (1).pdf (1)


Bike 'n Hike

On the 14th September, why not raise funds for your local church by joining in the Bike 'n Hike event which raises funds for church repairs and for your own church? Ride, walk or drive round churches of your choice (no set route) and get sponsors to support you.  For an information pack contact William Marsterson, wmarsterson@yahoo.co.uk,  01707 644180 or 07932 181441


Donate now:

If you would like to make a donation towards the costs of running our churches, please click on the button below:

Finding us:


St. Giles PCC has adopted the Diocesan guidelines on safeguarding: our policy can be viewed here: Safeguarding Policy
Our PCC Safeguarding Officer is Linda Bailey, 07976 686716. Other contacts can be viewed on the poster on display in the church, and by clicking here:-A-Safer-Church Poster-A3


St. Margaret's PCC has adopted the Diocesan guidelines on safeguarding. Safeguarding Policy
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Jane Canton, 07941142248. Other contacts can be viewed on the poster on display in the church, and by clicking here:-A-Safer-Church Poster-A3