St Margaret’s Mission Action Plan

Side wall

Our Vision
‘Our vision is to be a church that serves the multigenerational community, who gather in the church building as a place of prayer and walk the path of discipleship together.’
Our Values
1.   Welcoming
2.   Outward looking
3.   Caring
4.   Understanding
5.  Tolerant.
Our Priorities
1- Children and Families
–       Build a relationship with St Margaret’s nursery and find opportunities to invite them to the church.
–       Start annual worship service for families from the nursery.
–       Increasingly Involve others church members the church in the ministry to the school and nursery.
2- Warm welcome
–       Developing our welcome and developing ways of becoming more welcoming to newcomers.
–       Invite families connected to the church to special services / festivals throughout the year.
–       Improved access to the church building in conjunction with DAC and church architect.
3- Community engagement
–       Continue and sustain open church beyond the church walls.
–       Strengthen our relationship with local community groups by building connections with the school/church community.
–       Loving and serving the community and supporting life events.