News and Articles

The Parish Paper is delivered free to all houses in Ridge and South Mimms parishes. It is produced six times a year by:

William Marsterson, Editor,
Pam Seaman, Printer,
Mark Hedison, Production and Delivery,
Pam Metson, Advertisements, Proof Reader,

Items for inclusion should be sent to William Marsterson; copy should be received by the 15th of the previous month. New advertisers, please contact Pam Metson. Advertising rates are £45/yr for a half page and £35/yr for a quarter page; colour page £80. Small ads, £5 per entry.

The Editors reserve the right to shorten or omit articles and advertisements. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Priest or the Editors. Inclusion of advertisements does not imply their endorsement by the Priest or the Editors.